So, my sister recently mentioned that she went to check my blog. Needless to say, she was probably greatly disappointed. As you can see, it has been 2 years and 5+ months since my last blog entry. I have failed miserably! To make things worse, my last blog entry clearly states that I am going to attempt to be a better, more frequent blogger. As my oldest, Maren, would say "epic fail". This brings me to my current blog entry.
Because of the sheer amount of time that has passed since my last blog entry, I had significant updates to take care of. First of all, I could no longer call my blog TPMAZD because our youngest, Lincoln would think that we didn't love him as much as his siblings. So, we are now TPMAZDL. My new goal will be to blog when I feel the inclination and to make no promises as to when that will be. That way I never feel like a failure!
Here is the current state of our family. Tash is Assistant Professor of History at St.Gregory's University in Shawnee, OK. No, we did not convert to Catholicism. I just completed my 9th year teaching music in Lexington, OK. Maren is nearly 12 years old and will be in Jr. High next year. Amos is 8 and will be in 4th grade (Intermediate). Zeni is 6 and will be in 1st grade. Decker just turned 3 and is on day 2 of hardcore potty training. More on this later. And, finally, my Lincoln is 1 yr. old and Tash informed my that I missed his first step today. He allegedly went from the end of the couch to the front window. I don't believe it, and Tash couldn't prove it, so I will assume that once again I did not miss a major milestone in the lives of my children. The joke being that I have missed nearly every milestone in their lives.
Seeing as it is summer break, I shall do my best to blog and keep my sister up to date on all of our happenings. Although, I think with facebook around my blog will probably be secondary.